
We are a non profit animal welfare organisation working to protect animals from being trafficked and abused by enforcing the law under the animal welfare act.

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Watchdog Thailand Foundation (WDT) is a non-profit organisation and run by volunteers who are compassionate about animals. Our standing principle at Watchdog Thailand is to do what we can to the best of our abilities with all the resources we can get, within the authority the government has given without contemplation.

Watchdog Thailand is determined to educate and reinforce people’s understanding of the significance of the Animal Welfare Law and to reiterate that non-compliance to it has consequences.

Our organisation was responsible for forcing the legislation to enact the first animal welfare law in Thailand and enforcing a more severe punishment to violators which resulted in the minimisation of animal abuse and the complete eradication of the dog meat trade in the country. Our desire is to continue our work by using the law to protect animals, use our resources to help those who are in critical conditions as efficiently as possible, educate the public and assist government officials in ensuring justice be met to those who violate it.

We also want to see a more animal-friendly method in dealing with strays which should also be favourable to humans. With your support we can make a sustainable future where it’s possible for both humans and animals to co-exist peacefully.

We receive NO Government grants and rely on the generosity of our public supporters to continue our vital work against animal cruelty in Thailand.
Because of your generous donations we are able to:
~ Coordinate and assist the authorities during investigations relating to animal abuse cases.
~ Bring justice to law breakers by the animal cruelty law
~ Educate and raise an awareness among the public about the animal cruelty law.
~ Help animals nationally with the help of many dedicated volunteer

Thank-you !

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WARNING! Please be aware that if you visit WDT Foundation Thai Social Media Sites be prepared to see upsetting footage!
Asian Countries
DO NOT have strong animal protection laws!
Thailand introduced their first law in 2014 but existing but penalties are too lenient!
This is why it is vital to continue the work of “WatchDog Thailand Foundation” PLEASE DONATE !

© 2024 Watchdog Thailand Foundation
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