Thailand Dog Meat Trade Story (DMT)
2011 - 2014 “Watchdog Thailand” worked co-ordinating in the background with both A.A.A. and the “SoiDog Foundation to stop dog trans-national trafficking of dogs.
2013 -Watchdog Thailand Partners with ‘Soi Dog’ co-founder John Daley
Together they arrange the first important Police meeting to announce the new policy against dog trafficking to be held on 14th July 2013. Meetings were then arranged to inform policemen all over the country and to introduce the existing laws & legislation and encourage the use of informant practices to lead to arrests. Campaigns, posters and meetings were used to ensure that government offices in every region in Thailand would clearly understand the policy and actively work on the cases.
19th June 2013 - WDT signs MOU with Royal Thai police
National police chief enforces the policy to end illegal dog meat trade, and announce calling WDT as a hotline dedicated to dog meat trade activities!
2015 - 2024 WDT still works behind the scenes by coordinating and prosecuting those who commit cruelty to animals in accordance with Animal Cruelty Prevention & Welfare Act. 2014. Meetings were arranged to inform policemen all over the country and to introduce the existing laws and legislation, and encourage the use of informant practices to lead to arrests. Campaigns, posters and meetings were used to ensure that government offices in every region in Thailand would clearly understand the policy and actively work on the cases.
FACT: Dogs are NOT normally eaten by Thai society but are consumed by immigrant workers and some certain hill tribes on the Northern Borders of Thailand. Around 2011 the Dog Meat Trade was exposed by animal lovers when they witnessed trucks full of dogs heading for the border town of Tha Rae & Lao. Meat suppliers were stealing dogs from the streets & villages or buying them from farmers in exchange for a cheap plastic bucket! Farmers were only too glad to do this exchange as a bucket was useful and too many dogs anyway!
Dogs would be jammed in trucks and transported for a two day journey across Lao to be killed for meat in Vietnam! A very cruel journey without food or water and some dogs in the middle cages would usually die from suffocation!
City News: DMT - “Thailand’s Trade Of Shame”
Youtube: The documentary story of WDT
Youtube: In Thailand, Tracking the Dog Trade | The New York Times
Youtube: ประวัติการก่อตั้ง WATCHDOG THAILAND (Beware graphic footage)
8.30pm. 04-05-2013 AAA officials( undercover) together with the police patrol have raided a dog stocking camp (hidden in the forest 3 km from the road) in Sakolnakorn province.
600 dogs (approx.) in 62 cages were found on site, still being in good condition.
At 02.00am. 05-05-2013 without the lights and only a few officials and police have been keeping watch over the dogs and waiting for another team to arrive!
The situation is pretty intense now since this is the 2nd time within a month. this camp hidden in the forrest belongs to the biggest illegal dog trader!!
Facebook: Animal Activist Alliance (AAA) Thailand
Nakhon Phanom, North east Thailand saw over 2,000 dogs rescued from their cramped cages( up to 20 dogs per cage is common in the trade.) up to 1000 per truck being prepared to be shipped over the Mekong River to Vietnam where they are legally consumed as meat.
Thousands of dogs are packed in governmental shelters with insufficient funds to look after them for long term .so some shelters don’t have enough shade to cover the place from sun and rain, some lack of food and some lack of medicine so disease takes its toll. Thailand was NOT prepared for the amount of dogs saved from the DMT.
WARNING! Please be aware that if you visit WDT Foundation Thai Social Media Sites be prepared to see upsetting footage!
Asian Countries DO NOT have strong animal protection laws!
Thailand introduced their first law in 2014 but existing but penalties are too lenient!
This is why it is vital to continue the work of “WatchDog Thailand Foundation” PLEASE DONATE !
© 2024 Watchdog Thailand Foundation
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