
We are a non profit animal welfare organisation working to protect animals from being trafficked and abused by enforcing the law under the animal welfare act.

A cruel 18y.o. Mahout struck the elephant multiable times on its head causing great pain to the poor animal!


Mahout Beats Elephant With Hook!
The incident occurred on April 11, 2022 at approximately 10:00 a.m. by an 18 year old mahout working at a tourist attraction elephant riding Park. WDT opposes all forms of animal cruelty.
*The bull-hook is a tool used by mahouts, an elephant handler, in training and disciplining of elephants.
It is traditionally used on sensitive areas of the body. a bull-hook may be used behind the ears and above the eyes These areas are all extremely sensitive to the touch of the sharp metal hook!

A large number of people have come to the WDT Foundation's reporting inbox containing elephant abuse!

This cruel incident happened April 11th at 10am so two days later on the13th of April at 14.00 hrs. Veterinarian Thirawut Hongthong. Officials of Watchdog Thailand (WDT) together with Miss Rattiya Tiaotrakun, will together file a cruelty complaint to condemn the young Mahout abuse case in Phalai.
With multiple severe blows of the *bull-hook the 18 year old Mahout can be seen in above video evidence striking the elephant called “Chao” on the head multiple times for no apparent reason! This is an act of animal cruelty and it is beyond reasonable use of the bull-hook to control the elephant! The poor elephant can be seen dropping its head from the severe pain of the blows! An act of animal cruelty!
WDT Foundation is collecting all information and evidence so we have a strong case against cruel abuse from this young Mahout !
To prosecute him for using the bull- hook to chop poor ‘Chao” violently many times, which is an act that goes beyond the normal limits of controlling an elephant and beyond reasonable grounds.

Facebook: Elephant abuse 
Facebook: Elephant abuse


Another Elephant abuse case


Reports & complaints were made to WDT & ENP about this elephant in leg chains being mercifully beaten while securely chained to a tree! An investigation was co-ordinated by WDT and the abuser was arrested and taken to the police station now awaiting a case trial!
Elephant abuse video made it onto Thai tv news!

Facebook: Elephant training camp

WARNING! Please be aware that if you visit WDT Foundation Thai Social Media Sites be prepared to see upsetting footage!
Asian Countries
DO NOT have strong animal protection laws!
Thailand introduced their first law in 2014 but existing but penalties are too lenient!
This is why it is vital to continue the work of “WatchDog Thailand Foundation” PLEASE DONATE !

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