March 21st 2022
For the past three months the cats had been locked in without food and to survive had to eat each other!
WDT was informed that multiple cat’s frantic meowing could be heard as well as a rotting smell that was coming from a house in Muang District, Samut Prakan Province.
WDT Rescue Team Volunteers went to the location and found a two story town house where all windows & doors were securely locked up!
The Rescue Team could see many skinny & weak cats in a bad condition, waiting & sitting in the window!
WDT tried contacting the house owner to unlock the door but it was discovered that the mother who had raised the cats, had passed away in December 2021 and her daughter who works in a different town, at that time, did not know what to do with over twenty cats!
WDT then had permission from the daughter of the deceased mother, to rescue the 17 cats and the locksmith was called to unlock the door!
WDT moved the cats to a temporary shelter after they were rescued for medical treatment in preparation for their move to Chiang Mai, courtesy of E.N.P
‘Elephant Nature Park’ in Chiang Mai, a sanctuary that provides a natural environment for elephants, dogs, cats, buffaloes and many other animals.
The daughter has agreed for the ‘Elephant Nature Park’ to care for all 17 orange cats that were saved!
THANK YOU Saengduean Lek Chailert “Elephant Nature Park”
THANK YOU to the citizen volunteers of the Watchdog Thailand network
Read the article at THEHAIGER.
Watchdog Thailand saved more than 20 cats locked in a house. Five cats were found dead!
Helping more than 20 orange cats into cages and preparing to move.
WDT received permission from the cat owner's daughter who has passed away.
Under the care and treatment of a vet.
Please watch these 3 clips below and see the happy & heartwarming outcome for these cats!
See the Cat Kingdom of Thailand FACEBOOK page.
WARNING! Please be aware that if you visit WDT Foundation Thai Social Media Sites be prepared to see upsetting footage!
Asian Countries DO NOT have strong animal protection laws!
Thailand introduced their first law in 2014 but existing but penalties are too lenient!
This is why it is vital to continue the work of “WatchDog Thailand Foundation” PLEASE DONATE !
© 2024 Watchdog Thailand Foundation | Anytech Australia