March 2018
Meeting in Bangkok today! Protest against “Set Zero”.
Mass killing of dogs and puppies at the school and in the temple grounds! Nine animal welfare organisations involved.
WDT received two complaints simultaneously in one day from the civilians who care for dogs at the Temple and Municipal School
Is this what we called ‘Set Zero’?
DLD state they quarantine the dogs for six months! Most are unvaccinated and most are dying in these shelters! The government wan’t to eliminate street dogs under their "Set Zero" program. They created a rabies scare and when they were caught red handed killing them with rat poison they switched tactics and quarantined them, most being unvaccinated in the hope they will die. A covert "Set Zero".
1. Wat Koksatorn School - Thung Song, Nakorn Sri Thammarat.
Nakorn Sri Thammarat’s DLD livestock officers had received an order to capture dogs in the school but they fed the dogs poisoned food instead! Later on the dogs died while foaming at the mouth. The officers then got rid of & destroyed the evidence of the dog’s bodies!
Before the incident, those dogs were taken care of very well by teachers and students from the school. Moreover, the director of the school denied his knowledge of this incident and said that he didn’t tell the livestock department to get rid of the dogs.
2. Khao Pedi Temple
Nakorn Sri Thammarat’s DLD livestock officers received the complain that there were 3 dogs
presumably to have rabies within the temple area.
The officers captured and destroyed all dogs without quarantine for risk screening.
DLD livestock department declared that it is required to comply with department’s policy within 1km, 1.5km and 5km radius of rabies outbreak risk area, in which, they have different ways of handling the issues.
However, dogs & puppies in both the school and temple are already dead despite them all being vaccinated for rabies previously by animal volunteers
Below are the words of the dogs carer
“I kneeled in front of the municipal mayor of thungsong with a dead puppy in my arms, begging for his power to stop the killing of dogs at the Temple Khao Pedi.
I have 51 rescue dogs at my house with complete anti rabies vaccine but i am afraid these evil people will come to my house and kill my dogs. Please help me.”
Nine parties of animal welfare organisations are preparing to seek a clarification on the ‘policy’
is it the full elimination or quarantine for risk screening as stated in the law to be continued
list of the nine animal welfare parties in photo!
After this incident happened by the authorities of the “Department of Livestock & Development” poisoning dogs, WatchDog Thailand
followed the DLD authorities around when there was another outbreak of rabies reported a few weeks later down in Songkla ,Southern Thailand!
Photos Credit - Sue “VOICE FOR DOGS ABROAD”
Sue of “Voice for Dogs Abroad” was able to travel with WDT to many temple grounds & villages in this area! Sue stated that In the morning, volunteers of WDT, quickly helped to administer Rabies vaccines to many of the local village peoples dogs so they would not be taken away, as all unvaccinated dogs within a 5 Klm radius were to be captured and transported to a Livestock Quarantine facility 3 hours away! The dogs that were hard to catch were darted by a blow pipe with a tranquilliser dart. Sue said the saddest thing that I witnessed, was a monk with 5 dogs close around him on Temple grounds ! One by one he had to carry these 5 dogs and put them in DLD cages to be taken too the quarantine facility! Being a monk, he could not show any emotion as Monks are not to be attached to worldly possessions! I could see his bottom lip quivering with sadness and he was not allowed to cry! !
WARNING! Please be aware that if you visit WDT Foundation Thai Social Media Sites be prepared to see upsetting footage!
Asian Countries DO NOT have strong animal protection laws!
Thailand introduced their first law in 2014 but existing but penalties are too lenient!
This is why it is vital to continue the work of “WatchDog Thailand Foundation” PLEASE DONATE !
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