First Time That Many Animal Groups Have United Together
*Alliance is the process of selecting the most effective members for the team and bringing these members together.
“Tara Animal Rights” Alliance {TARA} was organised by the dedicated work of Saengduean Lek Chailet, founder of “Elephant Nature Park” - ENP to successfully join many animal lover groups together to protest against the cruelty & abuse of animals in their country of Thailand.
ENP & WDT have already worked closely together over the years on many reported cruelty & abuse cases
WDT co-ordinates all the different legal departments needed to attend & prosecute as well as organises local volunteers to help the animals that are needing urgent help ENP arranges her workers to help with the rescue and transport for these poor animals to her sanctuary for treatment at the ENP vet clinic.
Usually Lek Saengduean Chailert adopts ALL off the cats or dogs into her care at ENP “Elephant Nature Park” where they will never be left hungry, thirsty or experience cruelty or abuse again at the hands of sub humans!
Lek is an amazing strong woman and like WDT works from the heart for the animals!
WatchDog Thailand Foundation is fully committed towards supporting the Alliance of TARA and the bond between ENP & WDT is strong as they both want the same outcome of increasing the penalty by law for animal abuse & cruelty!
Facebook: สัตว์ : สิทธิและโอกาส - Thailand Animal Rights Alliance.
NOW IS THE TIME FOR ACTION ! - Today we make history!
The many seperate Animal Rights groups in Thailand have embraced and joined hands, united, ready to work together.
We shall stand strong for animals!
The culmination of much work, this 20th of July 2023 we gather together, our summit for animals, putting all of our problems on the table to discuss solutions of animal abuse & cruelty in our nation!
More than thirty animal organisations in Thailand who work the front lines of the struggle, are represented.
Others are here as well: Government officials, who have oversight on animal lives such as the Livestock Department-DLD Leaders of political parties; celebrities; media teams and journalists and many people who have an interest in animal welfare, have today joined our conference at the Bangkok Art & Culture building.
We are hopeful that together we can make a difference.
May our voice set animals free from fear, free from hunger, free from harm.
May freedom be the hallmark of this concerted effort on behalf of animals.
Compassion together is our true power to bring change!
Ms. Saengduean Chailert,
President of the Elephant and Environmental Conservation Foundation
& E.N.P. Elephant Nature Park
Mr. Roger Lohanan,
Thailand Animal Guardian Association
Ms. Bhurita Wattanasak,
Watchdog Thailand Foundation
Mr. Panjadet Singto,
Policy Advisor World Animal Protection Org. Thailand
World Animal Protection Organisation, Thailand
The Voice Foundation (Our Voice)
Ms. Dayin Petcharat Animal Welfare Organisation of Thailand
Mrs. Prayat Worapreecha, President of the Voice for Animals Foundation
Mr. Thotsaporn Klankaew,
Animal Rights Organisation of Thailand
Mr. Bow Benjasiri Wattana,
President of the Wildlife Conservation Foundation
Miss Kawinaphat Mongkol Techapat,
Strong-Hearted Monkey Lovers Club
Mr. Niran Prawitthana,
President of Just for Paws Four
WDT & Thailand Animal Rights Alliance ..TARA Protest against new gambling laws introduced by the Thai government 15th February 2024
Legislation on the use of animals for sport according to the current government Led by Pheu Thai Party
This policy mentions the use of animals in competitions such as bull fighting, buffalo fighting, cock fighting, fighting fish, and many types of bird racing. On behalf of the Animal Lovers Association Please issue a statement of opposition...
The use of animals for sports and entertainment has been announced as a policy to create a national strategy and to be the protagonist of the soft power project, giving reasons for using animals to compete in order to create economic value. and protect the welfare of animals .
TARA members WDT & Lek Chailet ‘Elephant Nature Park’ made National Television News!
Animal welfare news!! ️ Thursday, February 15th 2024
16 core animal welfare organisations submitted an objection letter through Dr. Supharuek Phupongsak, deputy director of the office of Po. Y. P. Government to Scrap the Scheme to Promote Native & Competitive Animal Sports and abolish the Commission to Promote the Draft Law on Promotion of ‘Native and Competitive Animals Sports of the Land’ Administration Committee under the framework of National Strategic Countries and Reconciliation Reforms or P. Y. P. Which will bring division in societies both domestic and international.
Let the government not see Kong Chak as a lotus. Don't make the people drunk with abaymukh. Don't destroy family institutions by leading young people to gamble. Don't let Thai children see animal abuse as normal. Don't allow Thai society to be dark because of honouring barbaric activities. Don't let the world people condemn that "Thai's Soft Power is the Sad Power of the world."
Meeting went on friendly and smooth but straight spicy. Via P. Y. P. An opportunity has been opened for each organisation to fully comment and will be submitted to the government for further information. Details can be found in the press release and web pages of each organisation with the title at the end of this news.
As part of Animal Protection Association (Thai) We have prepared a book to analyze the laws and disadvantages of the government plan. Details will be presented on the next page.
In addition, there is Khun Natt, the honorary standard also commented that must not overlook the fact that the majority of the tens of millions of income offered by the government is from gambling, which may not be illegal. Therefore, it should be considered whether Thailand deserves to be happy with this type of income... And, if still insist on doing so, it is worth having organisations that value participating today participate in the consideration... ”
TARA & Animal Protection Association (Thai) would like to thank all the parties who signed all organisations, Elephant Conservation and Environment Foundation, The Voice From Us Foundation, Animal Welfare Organisation SOS, Watchdog Thailand Foundation, World Animal Protection Organisation, Khunatt Barthandadan and everyone who participated to show their power today that there is strength in numbers with a strong voice against animal cruelty & abuse!
Partner Groups Of The Tara Alliance
Joined Forces To Protest Against Gambling using Animals
March - 8th at 11am:
This alliance of animal organisations from all over the nation gathered to read the statement of opposition in front of the Ministry of Interior that permits gambling nationwide with animal fighting like bull, cock & hidden dog fighting as well as allowing the opening of casinos nationwide. All gambling can be done online at present and if anyone wants to bet on any animal fighting, they can bet online, so now there are hundreds of online bull & cock fighting gambling websites all over the place as a result, all gambling can be done online!
Arranging gambling by bringing animals to fight or compete is considered animal cruelty, that is, it is seeking benefits from animals. By forcing animals to fight together to turn it into gambling and now there are hundreds of online bullfighting gambling websites all over Thailand! The Ministry of Interior is taking what is claimed to be "tradition" to allow animals to fight for gambling to seek financial benefits from this types of gambling!
While government agencies are diligently cracking down on online gambling heavily right now, what is the difference between online cockfighting and bullfighting gambling? Isn't it contradictory to the order to suppress online gambling?
The fact that government agencies do not control and allow gambling to occur To have gambling dens open all over the country is considered bad. Because the ones that are government officials and high-ranking politicians should instead have conscience, ethics, and morals that serve as good examples for Thai Society. But instead this has come back to support and encourage people to go to casinos, gamble, and now gamble on the sport of bullfighting! Many Animal rescue organisation’s in Thailand would like to object to the order of the Ministry of Interior at MT. 030730/W 1443 by requesting that the Ministry should consider reviewing and cancelling the said order.
This news spread quickly & widely and there was criticism from the international community, that claimed that Thailand is a backward and
barbaric nation that encourages animal cruelty and uses animals for gambling.
The fact that government agencies do not regulate but permit gambling to occur is seen very negatively
We still have to wait. In order for the people of the Kaoklai party became to be the chairman of the committee first. Because if they are a chairman from another party , We may not be able to do much. Because this committee is a collective committee including land, natural resources, the environment, and animals all together.
WARNING! Please be aware that if you visit WDT Foundation Thai Social Media Sites be prepared to see upsetting footage!
Asian Countries DO NOT have strong animal protection laws!
Thailand introduced their first law in 2014 but existing but penalties are too lenient!
This is why it is vital to continue the work of “WatchDog Thailand Foundation” PLEASE DONATE !
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