WDT Investigation; WDT went the location and discovered the 47 dogs living in extremely unhygienic conditions.
Most had scabies and were starving. WDT Volunteers immediately contacted the police and the Chiang Mai Department of Livestock Development.
A raid on a breeding puppy farm owned by an American man in Chiang Mai has resulted in the rescue of some 47 Thai Ridgeback dogs & puppies.
Watchdog Thailand says most of the dogs were found in a terrible condition and some had died from illness and starvation!
The owner claimed the dogs were kept as pets and he was not breeding them for sale, but evidence indicated otherwise.
Tiny cages were stacked on top of each other. The animals had no space to play or exercise. Their waste was everywhere, and some were still left where they had died.
Watchdog Thailand representatives went to the Sarapee Police Station in Chiang Mai to file animal cruelty charges against the 73 year old American man, who they claim has been breeding Thai Ridgebacks to sell and export to buyers abroad.
Watch this VIDEO of conditions of dogs at the premises they were kept!
The Ridgeback dogs at ENP after rescue VIDEO!
Socialising with the younger dogs at ENP VIDEO
Updates on Ridgeback Dogs at ENP. …starts at 20.00 VIDEO
The TRB community have been trying to stop this man’s immoral puppy farming/milling of this ancient & majestic ‘Thai Ridgeback’ Dog - Thailand’s National breed for many years and so It gives great relief to view a video from ’Watchdog Thailand Foundation’ (WDT) showing they have successfully seized and confiscated 47 Thai Ridgeback dogs from the premises of Jack Sterling, a USA national retiree living in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand. This man has been abusing this unique Thai 'Saddleback' breed for his own financial gain as well as breaking Thai Visa conditions and bringing international shame on Thailand for 20 years!
The released video by ‘Watchdog Thailand’ has now spread internationally [ USA, UK, EU, AUST ] with the assistance of social media and many animal lovers coming together! Sadly, footage shows the horrific conditions in which these dogs lived. Starving, sick, covered in sores, cramped in filthy cages sometimes without food or water!
TRB Puppies were sold and shipped all over the world (almost certainly violating his visa restrictions). Many buyers buying via the internet were unaware of the conditions from which these dogs came from... The Thai Ridgeback dog is considered a ‘rare & unique breed’ outside Thailand and they can fetch large sums of money paid by westerners unfamiliar with the breed and fooled by Jack Sterling’s marketing practices!
The 47 dogs were successfully rescued and arrived safely to live at Elephant Nature Park where ENP vets checked and provided them with the urgent treatment needed!
The ENP & WDT rescue teams worked so hard from morning until late at night.
Thank you to everyone for your hard work to take them out of the hell they were living in!
Evidence of the Puppies being SOLD overseas by this cruel American
who also would also blackmail the overseas buyers for more money … saying he had no money left to feed their puppy!
The puppies had to wait 6 weeks for Rabies clearance before they could be exported overseas to new owners!
Thailand introduced and sanctioned their first animal protection law in 2014. This law needs to be taken seriously, upheld and enforced to its fullest capacity by the Thailand ‘Department of Livestock and Development’ (DLD) and ALL Regional Police Departments to act & prosecute offenders of animal cruelty in Thailand. Many foreign tourists and visitors to Thailand, are appalled at the animal cruelty they see happening, feel helpless to stop it and do not know where to report as local police are not very interested in animal welfare and are of no help to their reporting cruelty! This is why the work of Watchdog Thailand is so needed!
WARNING! Please be aware that if you visit WDT Foundation Thai Social Media Sites be prepared to see upsetting footage!
Asian Countries DO NOT have strong animal protection laws!
Thailand introduced their first law in 2014 but existing but penalties are too lenient!
This is why it is vital to continue the work of “WatchDog Thailand Foundation” PLEASE DONATE !
© 2024 Watchdog Thailand Foundation | Anytech Australia